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Best RV Skirting For Winter: Camping Guides!

There are a number of ways to keep your rig warm and toasty when it’s cold outside. RV skirting for winter camping is one of the best ways to keep the interior and underbelly of a trailer protected. There is a lot to take into consideration when it comes to RV skirting. The type of rig you have, your budget, and your location all play a part in deciding which option is best for you. Here is everything you need to know when it comes to RV skirting for winter camping.

What is an RV Skirt and Why Do I Need One?

An RV skirt is simply material that is placed around the bottom of a motorhome, fifth wheel, or trailer that acts as a barrier against extreme weather. It helps keep cold air and wind from getting under the camper. This can prevent water pipes and holding tanks from freezing. A skirt will also trap warm air that escapes from the rig’s floor. Not only will the inside of your camper stay warmer, but your propane bill won’t skyrocket!

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RV Skirting Solutions

There are skirting solutions on the market that make the whole process as easy and painless as possible. Ready-made RV skirts come in a variety of options and fit for all types of RVs.


Something a little different than the traditional vinyl or fabric RV skirt you might have in mind is AirSkirts. This inflatable RV skirting solution is reliable and definitely innovative. The “skirt” is made of cylinder tubes that are inflated with air. Skirting kits come in a number of sizes that are able to fit with rigs of all sizes. Kits come complete with tubes, an electric air pump, a storage bag, and a patch kit. Pricing starts at $1,299. AirSkirts comes with a five-year warranty. This is a great option if you are on the move!

EZ Snap

If you want a high-quality skirt without the price tag of a custom model, EZ Snap RV skirting is a great option. An EZ Snap skirt comes in a kit that you will then measure and install yourself. Kits come in a variety of sizes. You choose the one that is recommended for your rig then are responsible for installing fasteners, cutting the material based on your measurements, and hanging the skirt. EZ Snap offers a number of tutorial videos to ease the process.

EZ Snap RV skirts are made of Diamond Weave premium skirting vinyl. Diamond Weave is a very strong and durable vinyl with half the storage bulk of regular RV skirting. They are said to last 6-8 years in harsh winter environments. The price for this solution is going to vary on the sized kit you need but the most common kit, which is 80 feet, runs $814.

Custom Skirts

A custom skirt is manufactured specifically for your rig. For a skirt made just for your rig, you can travel to a manufacturer or work with a company such as The Skirting Co. that can travel to you for insulation. If you are too far for travel, RV Skirting Pros can ship out your skirt for self-insulation. Custom skirting is going to offer a great fit and leave little room for error on gaps where wind and weather can get in.

Custom skirts are generally measured with precise accuracy and fabricated using top-of-the-line material. Since a custom skirt is of top quality, it should last year after year. The majority of custom skirts are made from heavy-duty vinyl. The downside to this option? Cost. The price for this RV skirting solution is going to have the highest price tag. A custom skirt is going to cost roughly $1,000- $3,000 depending on the size of your rig and the number of slides.

RV WindSkirt

One of the most budget-friendly, effective manufactured options is offered by RV WindSkirt. This skirt requires much less work than the EZ Snap and costs a fraction of a custom model. RV WindSkirt has simplified the skirt, which is what we love. They only offer two sizes but are able to accommodate rigs of all sizes. These skirts are high quality but lightweight making storage easy. Lacking the bulkiness of other skirts makes this one of the best choices for traveling and moving! Skirting panels range in price from about $100 – $120.

DIY RV Skirting For Winter

Like with most things these days, the internet is full of DIY RV skirting options. We were blown away by the number of alternative solutions we found while researching skirting options. DIY RV skirting can cost much less than ready-made solutions and can be just as effective in cold weather. So what’s the downside to making your own skirt? A DIY skirt tends to be more labor-intensive to put together and generally isn’t ideal if you are frequently traveling.

If you are stationary or at least staying put for the winter, a handmade skirt is a great choice. Here are some DIY RV Skirting choices to choose from:


If you want something that’s more like a ready-made, custom skirt but want to try it on a budget, you can DIY an RV skirt from vinyl. Basically, you’ll just need the proper amount of vinyl to cover the outside of your rig and a way to attach the material to the RV. You can purchase new vinyl tarps at a relatively low price point. You can even buy tarps with grommets in place, making it even easier to attach the skirt to your rig.

For an even more budget-friendly option, purchase used billboard vinyl then use grommets, Velcro, or suction cups to attach the skirting to your camper. Rocks or wood planks can be used to hold the bottom of the material down in the wind. Unlike other DIY options, it’s easy to travel with a vinyl skirt.

Foam Board

Insulated foam board is a great option when making your own RV skirt. It is lightweight, easy to work with, and inexpensive. Any regular, rigid foam board will do. Simply, measure the amount of board you’ll need, cut the board to size, and secure it to your rig. Plywood can be used to reinforce the boards as well as aluminum tape to hold the boards together. This DIY option is probably going to be the most effective, from both a cost and efficiency standpoint. The biggest downside is, that it really only works if your RV is staying put. Once the foam boards are in place, travel isn’t possible.

Straw Bale

If you aren’t planning on moving, good old-fashioned straw can make for a great DIY RV skirt. Straw is a better option than hay as it is cheaper and makes for better insulation. You will want to wrap the bales in garbage bags or tarps to keep pests out. Mice would love to make a warm, toasty home in your straw bales! Something else to take into consideration before using straws for skirting is how flammable these bales are. Don’t light a match near the RV!


If you have enough of it for the duration of your RV winter camping trip, snow could be used as a DIY skirting solution. Simply pile up snow around the rig and you’re done! For better results, you might want to use a rigid foam board under the snow.


For the first few years of living the full-time RV life, we followed warm weather. We didn’t have a desire to brave the cold in our fifth wheel. But, then something happened. We missed winter. With so many RV skirting options out there, there is no reason not to enjoy some cold-weather camping. No matter what your budget is or your insulation needs are, there is a solution for you. So, we decided to give winter camping a try! I’m happy to report RVing in the winter months is possible and quite enjoyable.

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Nyra Abigail

My Name is Nyra Abigail and in 2016, I made the decision to leave my traditional living situation and hit the road in a Dodge Ram Van. Since then, I've had the opportunity to camp in 48 states and hike in many of the United States' National Parks. My mission is to inspire and assist others in living an adventurous lifestyle, whether that be through van life or RV living. We provide a comprehensive resource to help guide and support individuals on their own journeys of discovery.

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